U.S. Auction Brokers: Find your next great deal on seized, confiscated, and foreclosed merchandise!
Spectrum Set of 2, Adjustable Air Lift Stool, Black Faux Leather, RTA
This product meets the oversized requirement per UPS/FedEx. The shipping weight reflected is the dimensional weight. This product also meets the large package requirement per UPS/FedEx. The estimated shipping cost will include this fee. Large package is $70.00, applied when length plus girth [(2 x width) + (2 x height)] combined exceeds 130 inches. Additional Handling charge of $10.50 applied where a package's longest side exceeds 48 inches in length, the second longest side exceeds 30 inches in length, or total weight is greater than 70 lbs.
Notice on International Shipping: This item is shipped directly from an international vendor. Due to overseas shipping times, some items may require up to 30 days to ship. Package will be received without paperwork, though order information may be accessed by logging into your account. Unless otherwise stated, items are brand new. This listing cannot be shipped to P.O. boxes or to any of the following areas: Canada, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii.
This item is shipped directly from the vendor - this lot may take longer than 10 business days to process. Because this is lot ships directly from a third party vendor without inspection, we can only guarantee the metal seen in the description. If this item features a gemstone, bidder should be aware that the stone may be lab created (regardless of the cut, color, or carat weight).
Unless otherwise stated, items are brand new. This listing cannot be shipped to P.O. boxes or to any of the following areas: Canada, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii.